We now have stock of 2.5" surf style fins. 2 of these these will be supplied with the new wave tip model to add to the end of the board as per your prefered stance (either goofy/natural/toeside/you can change easily to suit wave you are riding easily ). The other end will be supplied with 2" wake fins. You can also buy these fins individually.
The wave tip enables the rider to go out slightly less powered than the equivalent Quest twin tip - so riders can use a bit less kite and a bit more wave power. It has a narrower nose and tail to help the rider really attack and carve up the wave. The 2.5" fins on your prefered end also increase the bite into the wave face. The design idea came from wanting a wave board that did not need gybing or a toeside/healside style of riding (it rides like a twintip either way). Also we wanted a wave board that would let you ease off the power when you need to - something that is not always so easy with a mutant or surfboard. A side product of the design is that it also handles difficult chop very well.