Wednesday, February 27, 2008

NZ Made

Thanks to New Zealand Made (Government funded initiative) who supported dvnt kiteboards by publishing an article about us.

It has been published in print.

We have had an increase of customers wanting custom kiteboards recently as well as our production shapes which is great.

We were thinking about this the other day. We think that dvnt kiteboards probably get more use than any other brand of kiteboard. If you measured average hours on the water for a dvnt kiteboard it would be way above any other board brand....? Sadly Mike Cann recently left one of his his teamrider kiteboard( 85kg+ rider board 132x42 ) at Woodmans Point in Perth, that he had been kiteloop abusing for almost 3 years. We have sorted him out with a replacement which he says he is stoked on (an o8 profile 132 x 42)

The recent stormriding sessions were super fun (a huge front with 40+ knot winds and a huge swell just passed over NZ for 4 or 5 days) with huge boosting and wave riding back on the map after a big summer surge in interest in freestyle (probably because it was simply too windy to unhook.)

We are also thinking of building the dvnt clothing brand with its own website etc as so many board riders like the brand but do not necessarily ride a dvnt kiteboard. Some of you may not know that the teamriders, although kiteboarding obsessed, are also talented surfers and snowboarders, also with a big interest in tow surfing and anything else related. Anyway let us know if you have any comment on this.

2 weeks extra daylight savings this year - oh yeah! Thanks NZ government.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Buy New Zealand.

Buy New Zealand, formed by a government initiative to encourage New Zealanders to put more $$ back in to the NZ economy by buying New Zealand made, has asked dvnt kiteboarding to write an article about dvnt for their print and web media. We would like to say thanks for helping us out and be sure to check out their website.

We will put a link to the article when it is published. In the meantime you find New Zealand made stickers on all dvnt kiteboards.